Monday, May 20, 2013

Can we try a different approach??

Can we not be positive, productive and forego the insults and name calling? Pay attention, there seems to be issues that needs to be addressed, questions that need to be answered and accountability for matters that effect ALL citizens of New Johnsonville, TN. Do you really have time to be petty?

Need an example? This may indeed be insignificant to most, but is it really? Did you know the City of New Johnsonville, TN has a website? Have you visited this website? As an observer it is pitiful! It lacks up to date information and this looks horrible on your town. Do you not want visitors? You know some people actually take vacations! What does New Johnsonville, TN have to offer? The Tennessee River for boating and fishing, a Civil War attraction are there other things? And, IF visitors come they will spend money at restaurants, convenience stores, the grocery store, maybe the hardware store, etc. and this will increase revenue.
To the Mayor and City Council - quit milking your residents of their earnings. I was recently told water bills are excessive, your police department chooses Long Street to run radar instead of Highway 70/Broadway and spending is getting out of control. You do realize spending money requires money to be available? What’s up with purchasing mowers, were they really needed?

Now back to the website. Local events, scheduled repairs on city streets or water/sewer lines could be posted on the website. Hey, as a public service, you could list businesses in town. I noticed in the News-Democrat, Humphreys County has budgeted something like $160,000.00 for tourism, New Johnsonville is a part of Humphreys County, but is New Johnsonville getting their fair share of publicity, advertising and attention? What about the Tennessee River Resort District monies? You do realize that money comes because of the Tennessee River and while I am confident Loretta Lynn’s Ranch is a great place, name recognition alone should attract visitors. New Johnsonville you deserve a piece of the pie!

Why not eliminate the negative BS and work together to make New Johnsonville, TN a better place?    

O'Malley out -


  1. What about the TRRD money? I've never heard it mentioned as being used in J'ville.

  2. If you want a different approach, you should be asking LOTS of questions. There are a few so called Leaders that need to step up to the plate and make a change for the betterment of our city or bow out cracefully and let someone that has the best interest of our city take over! It is very disheartening to see certain Leaders getting a paycheck for doing little to no work. Then you have some that are trying to make change and has the best interest of the city. I encourage each and everyone to take note, stand up for your city and lets get it back under control.
